Friday, September 14, 2007


welcome to 4e2 chalet

marcus, owing to u every1 can spot me easily cuz i'm in my working uniform(striking yellow)...

where's ziwei? haha..

Girlse 1 in yellow is new guy from 4e2?

not all the 4e2 ppl went to e chalet... yet
we had such a nice time there although time is pretty short... and
the most unforgettable things of this chalet must be e lizard!!!
while everyone was watching the tv attentively.. i felt something fell on my lap!! It was a lizard (it was more like a gecko rather than common house lizard) which indeed created a big commotion.. haha... ziwei said it must be a male lizard.. lol...

yucks... can u imagine sth like this fell on ur lap?

chairman aaron.. u shd blame the lizard instead of ziwei... haha...

on e way home

me, linghui, ziwei

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