Tuesday, August 7, 2007

mixed feelings~

Today i have mixed feelings...

Earlier in the day i was ok... kinda excited to go out to print our CTB and collect Ammanda's bday invitation card. it is damn nice la.. unique & personal which really make the guess feel that u r essential to the party... made me feel like doing 1 on my bday oso... wakaka...

when printing half way.. sth went wrong again.. made me so frustrated... emo emo emo... my cover page got printing problem. it's DEFORMED!! i felt like all my hard work are wasted... n i tried to edit it and reprint but the thing still didn't turn out as wat i want it to be. Worst of all is the printed out 1 does not look the same as wat i see on my screen.. i had tried my best... haiz.. Will the Lion understands us? i guess he wont.

Upon seeing my 2nd version of yoyo sticker printed out, MR.emo gone... i pasted 1 at the bugis street and the other 1 at the traffic light nearby. it's kinda pleasure to see my logo up there... on the street... in public places.. hey gals.. hows abt urs??? i'm waiting for u all...

before we went home we saw tis poster... without hesitation i quickly took foto with my hubby... wahaha...

at night my sis chat with me on msn... i was quite happy to hear my niece call me AH YI... wahaha.. and he said he miss me!!! He's very cute.. 人见人爱车见车载 oh.... although my sis doesn't have a good marriage but she told me she had no regret of giving birth to Hang Hang. 世上只有妈妈最伟大。。

i miss home.. miss mummy... miss hang hang.. miss feiby.. miss my sistersss them..

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